Raised by Wolves from elndzvastieree on Vimeo.
Circus Automatic presents Raised by Wolves, featuring elite performers born from San Francisco's world class circus community. The cast includes Jamie deWolf, Joyce Lee, Fleeky Flanco, Brad Henderson, Inka Siefker, Colin Davis, Rachel Strickland and Micah Walters coming together to present challenging new work.
Raised by Wolves is about the moments that define us. It is a collection of circus cabaret, storytelling and a kaleidoscope vision of the hopes that hold us captive and the challenges that set us free. In trailing the jumble of threads that are created from our choices we weave our identity. These same labyrinths become the keys to our advancement, and the locked doors that keep us from it. Featuring world renowned circus performers and award-winning storytellers in an ego-splicing of reality and dream-sequence, you are invited to watch a conversation between desire and fear, their inevitable tumble down the rabbit hole and the fight to reach the light at the other end.
Raised by Wolves is part storytelling part circus show. Storytellers Jamie DeWolf and Joyce Lee accompany a modular collection of unbelievable circus talent that is constantly adapting and changing. Each Storyteller illuminates a different facet of the shows main concept, the idea that the challenges in your life are what ultimately create you. Each circus performer lives this challenge in front of you on stage. Depending on which night you arrive you may see a completely different take on the same exact show, one thing representing another, but the meaning remains the same.